We Are Online!

ADR Logo smallAutonomous Driving Research (ADR) is excited to announce our website is online! This is a very exciting time for autonomous vehicles as we are at a tipping point with technology enabling vehicles to begin taking over driving tasks from drivers. We are very exited to have a central platform for all the information we will be discussing and uncovering as we all progress through this historic change in our transportation system.

ADR will be discussing, researching, and synthesizing all different aspects of autonomous driving vehicles (ADV). As we begin to progress down the path towards staged implementation of autonomous vehicles, we will also uncover issues that have yet to appear with ADVs on our roadways. Therefore, it is important that we have a framework in place to discuss, analyze, and disseminate proposed solutions to our stakeholders that will impact the successful implementation of ADVs. Safety and trust is paramount to the successful progression of ADVs, and ADV integration will be critical to address issues or potential roadblocks in advance of the public. In conjunction with the institutions and stakeholders actively working on ADV technology within their respective domains, we will also be addressing the issues of driver and operators as we proceed with the integration of ADVs onto existing roadways. It is this integration, and its impact to society, that will determine the speed of which ADVs will proliferate. With immense interest in the field of ADV integration, Autonomous Driving Research is also responsible to ensure all stakeholders are armed with the necessary information and trends to enable a successful implementation of ADV into our worldwide transportation systems.

ADR Website

Our website is organized into 8 distinct areas for information sharing:

1) “Discussion”: New synthesized information and areas of interest presented in blog format. We seek constructive discussions on these topics with all stakeholders and look forward to progressive solution paths.ADR Website.png

2) “Obstacles”: Major challenges that impede development and implementation of ADVs and the complexities that needs to be addressed as we move through the levels of autonomous driving.

3) “Projects”: ADR projects we are currently working on. Our focus is concerning the integration of ADVs into the framework of traffic systems today, and we will share and disseminate results and conclusions drawn from our projects in the interest of progressing the field of ADVs.

4) “Vehicle Technology”: Summary of current technologies that impact the autonomous vehicle implementation. Within each tech subset, you will find additional information and posts concerning opportunities that may need to be addressed or exploited based on research we conduct. This will be a continuous building process based on industry announcements.

5) “Drivers & Operators”: This is a fascinating area diving into the psychology and behavior of drivers and operators as we integrate ADVs
and non-ADVs together. What will be the social contexts that impact the success of ADV implementation? What paradigm shifts need to occur with drivers? We shall find out!

6) “Policy”: The summation of legal boundaries, issues, and constraints that arise in different countries, which provide awareness and context for ADVs. We also seek opportunities to leverage policies from other countries that may help and remove constrains to ADV implementation in others.

7) “References”: All sources of information ADR uses to compile their discussions, information summaries, and research projects. As a non-profit organization, our intent is always to share information in the ADV space and credit sources accordingly.

8) “Quotes”: Summary of interesting quotes by those in the autonomous industry. These are to highlight current thoughts, perspectives, and offer quick insight of our interested stakeholders.

We have also included real-time Facebook and Twitter feeds to provide additional social media information for immediate areas of interest, as well as our contact information. Please join us on those platforms too.

In conclusion, we look forward to collaborating with all in the autonomous driving community. We praise those institutions and people who have been working diligently in this space for many years to get us to where we are today. We are excited to be a part of this monumental change in transportation and we look forward to supporting the implementation of autonomous driving vehicles worldwide!

One thought on “We Are Online!

  1. I was behind one of the vehicles on Mountain Avenue in Somerville. It’s swerved into the oncoming lane to avoid a car that was parked on the side of the road. Need some tweaking


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